Learning to cube website, how to solve a rubiks cube website, website for speed cubers,

Welcome to Learning to Cube!

Learning to cube is a website all about Rubik’s cubes and other cube like puzzles. If you are new to cubing, and you want to learn how to solve a Rubik’s cube, Visit our guide here! This guide is for beginners and will teach you the basics on how to solve a Rubik’s cube

Are you looking for help with Rubik’s Cube notation and knowing what all the letters and symbols mean when you’re learning algorithms, you can learn those things here:

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Learning to cube is a website for learning how to solve a Rubik’s cube. This site will take you step by step through everything you need to know to solve a rubik’s cube. From the very basics, to advanced solving methods for speedcubers

Our site does not just focus on the standard rubik’s cubes though. We cover all types of cubes! From 3 x 3, 4 x 4 all the way up to 8 x 8 and more. You will also find guides on how to solve the Pyraminx, Megaminx, Mirror Cubes and many other varieties of rubik’s cube. 

Even if you know how to solve a rubik’s cube already, learning to cube never ends! You always want to be able to solve a rubik’s cube faster. Find more of the best rubik’s cube algorithms, and speedcuber methods here. We also have guides on what the best cubes to use for speedcubing and methods to improve your times. 

Everything you need to know about cubing can be found here on Learning to Cube, so start looking around! 

The site is currently under construction, but it will be open very soon!

What is LTC

Learning to Cube is an information website for speedcubers and people who want to learn how to solve a rubik’s cube. It is a family run website and it is owned by 9 year old speedcuber, Lennon Mason. Together, Lennon and his dad put together guides and videos to help you solve a cube faster. 

You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube! So please visit our pages and Like, Follow and Subscribe to help support the site.

For now you can find our first guide on Rubik’s Cube Notation to get you started, more will be coming very soon. I hope you enjoy the site!