Rubik’s Cube Notation, What Does it All Mean? 

Rubik’s cube notation can be difficult to understand for someone who is learning to cube. In this guide we are going to take you step by step through each piece of Rubik’s cube notation. So you can learn to solve a cube easier. 

All rubik’s cube algorithms are shown using cube notation, so it is very important to learn before you start cubing. To start with you will have simple symbols like “R” and “L”. But some algorithms get more complicated and use symbols like “X” and “Y”. 

Sometimes there will even be capital letters like a capital R, or lowercase letters like a lowercase L. We will cover every single piece of rubik’s cube notation in this guide. So you know for sure what the notation is telling you to do. 

Solving a cube will be much easier once you know these notations, they are essential to learning to cube. So let’s get started with the easy ones first. 

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How to Hold a Rubik’s Cube

To make this guide easier to follow, we will both be holding the cube in a certain way. You should begin by holding the cube so the white layer is on the bottom, the yellow layer is on the top, and the blue layer is facing you. 

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This means the red side will be on the right side, the orange side will be on the left side, and at the back there will be the green side. 

For the best position, you should place your right thumb on the front face, on the right side, on the middle blue block. Your left thumb should be opposite this on the middle block, on the left side. Your middle fingers of each hand should be holding the back middle block. With your index fingers free to operate the top layer. And your ring fingers are free to operate the bottom layer. 

Holding the cube like this will make this guide much easier to follow as you can see what sides are turning to where. So please hold the cube in this orientation to make it easy for you. 

The Right Way to Turn

The sides of a Rubik’s cube can turn 2 ways. Clockwise, or anticlockwise. When a letter is shown as a capital letter on its own, it means you should turn that side 90° clockwise. Sometimes however, the letter will be shown with this symbol: “ ‘ “, which is an apostrophe. 

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If a capital letter is shown with an apostrophe next to it, it means that that side should be turned 90° anticlockwise ( counter clockwise). This is commonly known as “Prime”. So anytime you hear someone say “R Prime”, it means turn the right side 90° anticlockwise. 

Letters are not always displayed on their own. Sometimes they are displayed with a number next to them. For example R2. This means you should turn that side twice (180° rather than 90). 

Lastly, you may see a lowercase letter rather than a capital. When this is shown it means you should turn 2 layers together, not just one! For example, if you see “r”, it means you should turn the middle and the right side of the cube 90°, together.

We are going to run through each side of the cube now using these letters, numbers and symbols. This will make sure you fully understand what is being shown to you with Rubik’s cube notation. You can refer back to this guide at any time if you’re unsure of anything. 

R, R’, R2 and r

The letter R symbolises the right hand side of the cube. If you’re holding the cube in the orientation we mentioned earlier in this guide, it means the red side of the cube. 

For the letter “R” on its own, it means you should rotate the right side of  the cube 90° clockwise. To turn the R layer, use your right hand and place your thumb on the bottom (white side) and place three fingers on the top (yellow side). Turn your wrist forward, which will rotate the right side of the cube upwards. 

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If the letter R has an apostrophe next to it (R’), you should turn that side 90° anticlockwise. To do this place your thumb on the front of the cube (blue side) , and three fingers on the back ( the green side). Rotate your wrist backwards bringing the yellow side to the front.

When R2 is shown you should rotate the right side of the cube 180°. It doesn’t matter if this is clockwise or anticlockwise. Choose which is most comfortable for you.

In some cases the letter R may be displayed as lower case. This means you need to turn 2 sides, the right side, and the middle of the cube together. This can be displayed as “r” which is 90° clockwise, or “r’ “ which is 90° anticlockwise. In some cases it may be shown with a number, such as r2. This means rotate those 2 layers 180°. 

L, L’, L2 and l

The letter L means you should turn the left hand side of the cube ( the orange side) 90° clockwise. You don’t have to reposition your fingers for this. Your thumb should be on the front ( blue side) with three fingers on the back ( green side). Rotate the yellow side towards you so it is now on the front face with the blue. 

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A capital letter L with an apostrophe like so: L’ means you should turn the left side of the cube 90°counterclockwise (L Prime) . To do this, place your thumb on the bottom of the cube and place three fingers on the top. Rotate your wrist forward bringing the white side from the bottom, to the front of the cube. 

L2 means the left side of the cube needs to be turned 180°, again, just like the right side, it doesn’t matter if this is clockwise or anticlockwise. Different algorithms will show which way is best. 

In some cases the letter L will be shown lower case. This can look like an uppercase i sometimes so be careful if you see this one, it can be confusing. If you see the lower case “l” turn the left side and the middle layer of the cube 90° clockwise. If it has the apostrophe with it, (l’) turn those 2 layers anticlockwise. 

Finally, if you see the lowercase L with the number 2 (l2) , turn the left side and middle of the cube twice, which will be 180°.

U, U’, U2 and u

An uppercase U symbolises the top layer of the cube. In our case this will be the yellow side. 

If you see the letter U on its own, it means you should turn the top layer of the cube 90° clockwise. To do this simply take your right index finger and push the top layer towards you. This will bring the red side of the top layer round to the front.  

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If you see the letter U with an apostrophe, you should turn the top layer 90° anticlockwise. To do this, use your left index finger and push the top layer towards you. This will bring the top of the orange side to the front with the blue. 

An uppercase U with the number 2 means turn the top layer 180°. Because it’s 180° it doesn’t matter which way you turn it. Clockwise or anti clockwise is fine, it will depend on the algorithm you’re using. The quickest way to do this is turn once with your index finger and then straight after use your middle finger to push it again

For the lowercase “u”, you should turn the top 2 layers 90°, and if it has an apostrophe it means turn those layers anticlockwise 90°. A lowercase u with the number 2 ( u2) means you should turn the top two layers of the cube 180°.

D, D’, D2 and d

When you see an uppercase D in Rubik’s cube notation, it is referring to the bottom layer. A capitalised letter D means the bottom layer has to be turned clockwise. This is usually done using the left ring finger, which pushes the orange side, round to face you (blue side). 

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If you see a capital D with an apostrophe ( D’), it means you need to turn the bottom layer counter clockwise. You can do this using the ring finger of your right hand. This will turn the red side round to face you ( Blue side).

Because it is on the bottom it can be confusing which side is clockwise and which side is anticlockwise. Just remember to push with your left hand for capital D, and push with your right hand for D prime. 

D2 refers to turning the bottom layer two turns (180°). You can use your left or right hand for this, whatever is more fitting for you. 

If you see a lower case d, it means you need to turn the bottom 2 layers. Either d, to turn the bottom 2 layers clockwise, or d’ to turn the bottom two layers anti clockwise. 

F, F’, F2 and f

The letter F means the front side of the cube. This is the side facing you. If you’re holding the cube in the same way we mentioned earlier in this guide, that will be the blue side. 

Just like the other algorithms, a capital F means turn the front face clockwise. To do this, you need to adjust the grip of your right hand so you have three fingers on the top of the cube and your thumb on the bottom. You then push down with your index finger to turn the front face 90°. 

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Alternatively, if you get the letter F with an apostrophe, this means F prime. So you need to turn the front face anticlockwise. To do this you again adjust the grip of your right hand so three fingers are on the top of the cube and your thumb is on the bottom. You then use your thumb to push the bottom of the front face upwards, turning it anti clockwise. 

Just like all other sides of the cube, if the letter F is shown with the number 2 (F2) the front face should be turned twice, meaning 180° instead of 90.

A lowercase f symbolises turn the 2 front layers of the cube. Either clockwise for f on its own, or anticlockwise for f with an apostrophe ( f prime). 

B, B’, B2 and b

B means the back layer. If you’re holding the cube with the blue side facing you, this will mean the green side. 

A capital B means turn the back layer clockwise. This can be done by adjusting the grip of your right hand so your thumb is on the top of the cube, and three fingers are on the bottom. You then use your index finger on your right hand to push the back layer up. This will turn the back layer clockwise. 

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Alternatively, if you have B’, you need to turn the back layer anti clockwise. To do this, adjust the grip of your right hand so your thumb is on the bottom of the cube and three fingers are on the top. Use your right ring finger to push down on the back layer. This will cause the back layer to turn anticlockwise. 

You may see in some algorithms the letter B with the number 2. Like the other symbols this means turn this side twice, a full 180°.

For a lower case b, the two back layers need to be turned together. A lower case b on its own means the two layers need to be turned clockwise, and b with apostrophe means the two layers need to be turned anticlockwise. 

Rubik’s Cube Notation for the Middle Layers of a Rubik’s Cube

In some algorithms you may see the middle layers need to be turned. These are known as slice moves.  They are symbolised using the letters M, E or S. The most common you will see is M. E and S are not used very often but we will cover them anyway.

M, M’, and M2 in Rubik’s Cube Notation

M is turning the middle layer of the cube, and it follows the same system as the left side. So if you see a capital M, it means turn the middle layer 90°, the same way you would turn the left side when you have L. This will bring the yellow middle pieces to the front (blue side).

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To do this you have to regrip the cube a little. It is much like doing the U’ move. Use your right index finger, and reach it over so it touches the middle layer of the cube. Then push the top of that layer so it moves towards you.

If you see the M with the apostrophe (M Prime)  it means turn the middle layer of the cube anti clockwise. Again, the same way you would move L’. This can be done by holding the right side of the cube with your thumb and index finger on your right hand. Then, using your right middle finger push the bottom of the middle layer. This will bring the white side up to the front of the cube. 

M2 means rotate the middle layer two times ( 180°). You can move it clockwise or anticlockwise. Whichever grip suits you best. 

E, E’, and E2

The letter E means the horizontal middle layer, and can be remembered easily because it is the equatorial layer”. The same way the equator goes around the Earth. This layer is moved using the middle finger of either the left or right hand depending on which direction you need to turn it. 

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For the capital E on its own, you should use your left middle finger and push the layer forward. The same direction you would turn the D layer. This will bring the orange side round to the front. 

If you see E’, it means you need to  turn the equatorial layer anticlockwise. Use your right middle finger and push the middle layer forward bringing the red side of the middle layer round to the front. 

Finally, if you get an E2, it means turn the equatorial layer 180°. This can be done either clockwise or anticlockwise depending on what is more comfortable for you. 

S, S’ and S2

S means “standing layer” and it is the middle layer between the front and back of the cube. It isn’t often you will see this in Rubik’s cube notation but it is good to know what it means just in case. 

The S layer turns the same way as the front layer does. So if you see the S, it means turn the standing layer clockwise. This is done by regripping the cube on the right hand side with three fingers on top of the cube, with your thumb underneath. You then use your right middle finger to push down on the S layer. This rotates it clockwise. 

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If you see the S with apostrophe (S prime) it means you need to turn the standing layer 90° anticlockwise. To do this, regrip the left side of the cube so you have three fingers on the top and your thumb on the bottom Use your left middle finger to push down on the S layer and turn it 90°.

For S2, you should turn the standing layer 180° ( two times) in whichever direction you prefer. It will depend on what algorithm you’re doing at the time. 

Rubik’s Cube Notation For Rotating the Whole Cube

Finally, we have rotations of the whole cube, not just single layers. This will be rotating the cube on the x, y and z axis and will usually be shown as lower case. Like the rest of the letters, you will see either a letter on its own, meaning clockwise. Or with the apostrophe, which means turn it anti clockwise. 

What x and x’ Means in Rubik’s Cube Notation

Doing an x move is the same as doing an R move, but instead of moving one layer, you move the whole cube. Begin by gripping the right side of the cube so you have three fingers on the top, and your thumb on the bottom. Let go of the cube with your left hand and turn your right hand forward. 

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When you have turned the cube a full 90°, regrip the cube with your left hand and you will be back in the starter grip again. 

An x prime move is the same as an R prime move. Follow the same pattern. Grip the cube on the right hand side so you have the right thumb on the top of the cube and three fingers on the bottom. Let go of the cube with your left hand and rotate your right hand backwards. Once the 90° is complete, regrip the left side of the cube with your left hand. 

What y and y’ Means

Seeing the letter y, means you turn the whole cube the same way you would turn the U layer. A lower case y on its own means you need to turn the whole cube, from right to left,  90° clockwise. To do this simply push the right side of the cube with your three right fingers, bringing the red side of the cube to the front. 

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For the y prime move (y’) you need to turn the whole cube from left to right 90°. This is done by pushing the left side of the cube with your three left fingers,  bringing the orange side of the cube round to the front. 

Remember these moves are done in the same direction as you would turn the U layer. 

What z and z’ Means

Lastly, the z layer. The z layer is moved the same way you move the front face when you get an F move. But instead of moving one layer, you move the whole cube. So if you see the letter z, let go of the cube with your right hand and let the right hand side fall naturally. But make sure you keep hold of the left side, you do not want to drop your cube.

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When the cube has moved 90°, regrip it with the right hand, and then move your left hand back to the starter position. This will leave the orange side on the top.

If you see the z’ ( z prime), just do the same thing, but with the other hand. Let go of the left side of the cube with your left hand and let it fall naturally, but of course keep hold of the right side. When the cube has moved 90°, regrip the cube with the left hand, and then regrip with the right hand. This leaves you in the starting position again but this time the red side will be on the top.

Summary of Rubik’s Cube Notation  

This is all of the Rubik’s cube notation you need for a 3 x 3 Rubik’s cube, but there are more if you want to solve other cubes. 4 x 4, 5×5, mega minxs, pyraminx and other cubes like that require more notation which will be covered in another guide. But for a 3 x 3, this is all the notation you need. 

If you have any questions then please feel free to comment below and we will be happy to help you. I hope you have enjoyed this guide and hope it has made understanding rubik’s cube notation much easier for you. 

On the next guide we will be going through how to solve a rubik’s cube using “beginner’s method”.