PLL Algorithms for Rubik’s Cube

PLL Algorithms for Rubik’s Cube are a series of algorithms designed to solve the last layer of the cube. It stands for “Permutation of the last layer” (PLL). After the first 2 layers are solved and the last layer is orientated correctly, a PLL is performed to solve the remaining pieces. Using them will improve the speed of your rubik’s cube solves.

There are 21 different PLL Algorithms. All of them are listed below. Learning all 21 PLL’s for Rubik’s cube will be a challenge. But if you can learn just one everyday, you can learn them all in under 1 month.

Feel free to refer back to this guide at any time! This guide will also be using a lot of rubiks cube notation. If you need help with notation, check out our guide HERE.

A Perm PLL Algorithms for Rubik’s Cube

There are 2 A Perms for you to learn. They are designed to solve three corners that are incorrect. You can recognise an A perm by looking at the four edge pieces in the top layer and seeing them all solved. You then check the corners to see only one corner piece is solved.

If the incorrect pieces need to move around the cube clockwise, you need to do an Aa perm. If the pieces need to move counter clockwise, you need to do the Ab perm.

PLL Algorithms for Rubik's Cube, Aa perm, Learning to Cube, how to solve a rubik's cube, speed cubers website, guide to speed cubing, how to get better at rubik's cube

Aa Perm

To solve the Aa perm, make sure the solved corner is at the bottom left hand side of the top face, with the “headlights” at the back of the cube. Then perform this algorithm:

l’ U R’ D2 R U’ R’ D2 R l

Ab perm, Learning to Cube, how to solve a rubik's cube, speed cubers website, guide to speed cubing, how to get better at rubik's cube

Ab Perm

For Ab perm, make sure the solved corner is on the bottom left of the cube. But this time the headlights will be on the right, instead of the back of the cube. Then do this algorithm:

l’ R’ D2 R U R’ D2 R U’ l

U Perm PLL Algorithms for Rubik’s Cube

The U Perms are some of the easiest PLL’s for Rubik’s cubes. They are easy to remember, and to recognise. First off, they will have a solved “bar” (one edge of the top layer is already solved), and all four corners are solved. This leaves just three pieces remaining that need to be put in the right places.

Ua perms will move the incorrect pieces counterclockwise, whilst Ub perm will move them clockwise. Look at the cube and decide which direction those pieces need to go in.

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Ua Perm

To solve the Ua perm, you first need to move the solved bar of the cube to the back so it is facing away from you. You may have to regrip the cube for the next alg as it has slice moves in it:

M2′ U M U2 M’ U M2′

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Ub Perm

Solving Ub perm is the same as solving Ua perm. The algorithm is the same, except for the direction the top layer is turned. This will move the piece clockwise, instead of anticlockwise:

M2′ U’ M U2′ M’ U’ M2′

The J Perm PLL Algorithms for Rubik’s Cube

The J perms are another pair of perms that come together. They can both be recognised by the solved bar on the cube, and the other edges have 2 colours touching, and one off colour. The J perm will switch 2 middle edges and 2 corners and put them into the right places in one algorithm.

One of the best things about J perm algs is if you do it once on a solved cube, you get the J perm position, then do it again to solve it. It makes these algs really easy and fun to learn.

PLL Algorithms for Rubik's Cube, Ja perm, Learning to Cube, how to solve a rubik's cube, speed cubers website, guide to speed cubing, how to get better at rubik's cube

Ja Perm

Begin by moving the solved bar on the cube to the front face. From here you will swap the middle edges on the back and the left of the cube. You will also swap the two back corner pieces:

(R’ U L’) U2 (R U’ R’) U2 (R L)

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Jb Perm

For the Jb perm, you need to move the solved bar to the left hand side of the cube. The aim of this alg is to swap the right and front edge pieces, and the front right and back right corners:

(R U R’ F’) (R U R’ U’) R’ F R2 U’ R’

R Perm PLL Algorithms for Rubik’s Cube

The R perms are another set of perms that come in pairs. They are not easy to spot as there is no single thing you can look at to identify them. You really need to look out for some headlights of one colour, and sidelights of another colour. With practise you will easily recognise the R perm.

Two of the corner pieces will be in the incorrect place, and so will two edge pieces. Choosing whether to do the Ra perm or the Rb perm will depend on which edge pieces need moving.

PLL Algorithms for Rubik's Cube, Ra perm, Learning to Cube, how to solve a rubik's cube, speed cubers website, guide to speed cubing, how to get better at rubik's cube

Ra Perm

To get this algorithm right, the top layer needs to be oriented correctly. Make sure the headlights are on the left side of the cube, and the side lights are on the right:

(R U’ R’ U’) (R U R D) (R’ U’ R D’) (R’ U2 R’)

Rb perm, Learning to Cube, how to solve a rubik's cube, speed cubers website, guide to speed cubing, how to get better at rubik's cube

Rb Perm

Before starting the Rb algorithm, make sure the headlights are on the front face of the cube. The side lights should be at the back, on the left and right side of the cube.

(R’ U2) (R U2) R’ F R U R’ U’ R’ F’ R2

N Perm PLL Algorithms for Rubik’s Cube

N perm algorithms will swap 2 edge pieces, from left to right, and two corner pieces diagonally. The Na perm will swap the bottom left corner with the top right. Alternatively, the Nb perm will swap the top left with the bottom right. These are easy cases to spot.

The N perm algorithms for rubik’s cube can seem long. But with a bit of practise they are both easy and fun algorithms to do. Just take your time and you will have them down in no time.

PLL Algorithms for Rubik's Cube, Na perm, Learning to Cube, how to solve a rubik's cube, speed cubers website, guide to speed cubing, how to get better at rubik's cube

Na Perm

If the bottom left and the top right corners need swapping, along with the left and right edge pieces, you need to do the Na Perm using the following alg:

F’ R U R’ U’ R’ F R2 F U’ R’ U’ R U F’ R’

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Nb Perm

If the top left corner needs swapping with the bottom right, and the edge pieces on the left and right need to swap, you should do the Nb perm with this alg:

r’ D’ (F r U’ r’ F’) D (r2 U r’ U’) (r’ F r F’)

E Perm PLL Algorithm for Rubik’s Cube

E perm on rubik’s cube is an algorithm that will swap the corner pieces when they are opposite each other. If you find all of the edge pieces in the centre are correct, but the corners need to be swapped, the E perm is the correct algorithm to use.

The E perm alg is pretty long, and it begins with a cube rotation. But when broken up with brackets it is reasonably easy to learn.

PLL Algorithms for Rubik's Cube, E perm, Learning to Cube, how to solve a rubik's cube, speed cubers website, guide to speed cubing, how to get better at rubik's cube

E Perm

If all centre edges are correct, but the corner pieces are opposite their correct places, you need to do the E perm. The orientation of the top layer does not matter in this alg:

x’ (R U’ R’ D) (R U R’ D’) (R U R’ D) ( R U’ R’ D’) x

F Perm PLL Algorithm for Rubik’s Cube

F perm is used when there is already a solved bar on the cube, but there are 2 edges pieces and 2 corners that are opposite their correct positions. It is a very easy perm to recognise, but the algorithm can be pretty long and hard to memorise.

Just stick with it, take your time, and it will become easier the more you do it.

PLL Algorithms for Rubik's Cube, F perm, Learning to Cube, how to solve a rubik's cube, speed cubers website, guide to speed cubing, how to get better at rubik's cube

F Perm

Make sure the solved bar is on your left side. This will leave 2 incorrect edges and corners facing you, and 2 on the back of the cube. To fix it, do this alg:

R’ U’ F’ R U R’ U’ R’ F R2 U’ R’ U’ R U R’ U R

H Perm PLL Algorithm for Rubik’s Cube

H perm is another easily recognisable position for PLL. It is recognised by the corners being in the right place, but the edges are opposite their correct positions. It is also one of the easiest PLL algorithms to learn, and it involves slice moves too.

This is a very easy algorithm to spot, and very easy to remember. Along with the Ua and Ub perms, this is one of the first algorithms you should learn.

PLL Algorithms for Rubik's Cube, H perm, Learning to Cube, how to solve a rubik's cube, speed cubers website, guide to speed cubing, how to get better at rubik's cube

H Perm

Rotate the top layer so the corners are all in their correct places. Then reposition your hands to prepare for the slice moves and do this algorithm:

(M2′ U M2′) U2 (M2′ U M2′)

T Perm PLL Algorithm for Rubik’s Cube

The T perm is easily spotted because the pieces that need to move will be moved in a T shape. Two edges will be moved opposite each other and swap places, and 2 corners will be flipped into their correct places too. This is where the T perm gets its name.

If you already know “The Sexy Move“, the T perm is an easy alg to remember and is another that you should learn early on.

PLL Algorithms for Rubik's Cube, T perm, Learning to Cube, how to solve a rubik's cube, speed cubers website, guide to speed cubing, how to get better at rubik's cube

T Perm

To do the T perm correctly make sure the headlights are on the left side of the cube. One correct edge piece should be on the front, and another should be at the back:

(R U R’ U’) R’ F R2 U’ R’ U’ (R U R’ F’)

V Perm PLL Algorithm for Rubik’s Cube

V perm is when there are four pieces in the wrong place, 2 corners, and two edges. But in this algorithm they are all diagonal to each other. You will find 2 edge pieces a re solved, and between those will be a corner also in the correct place and position.

This perm is easy to recognise but can be confused with A perms. The main difference between the two is V perm has no headlights.

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V Perm

For the V perm, make sure the two solved edges, with their solved corner, is on the bottom left hand side of the cube. The other solved corner should be on the top right.

R’ U R’ U’ R D’ R’ D R’ U D’ R2 U’ R2′ D R2

Y Perm PLL Algorithm for Rubik’s Cube

Y perm can easily be recognised as it resembles a crucifix shape. It looks like a lowercase t with a long bottom. It is similar to the V perm in a way, because the top left corner is swapped with the top right. The difference is the edges that are flipped, in this case it is the back edge and the left edge.

This is another long algorithm, but it does have the sexy move in there so it can be easy to remember if you know the other smaller algs.

PLL Algorithms for Rubik's Cube, Y perm, Learning to Cube, how to solve a rubik's cube, speed cubers website, guide to speed cubing, how to get better at rubik's cube

Y Perm

To position the top layer properly, make sure the correct corners are in the bottom left and top right. With the 2 correct edges on the face and the left of the cube:

F R U’ R’ U’ R U R F’ R U R’ U’ R’ F R F’

Z Perm PLL Algorithm for Rubik’s Cube

The Z perm is used when all of the corners are in the correct places, but the edges are not. To be in their correct positions the edge pieces all need to move diagonal from where they are now. This is a very easy perm to recognise and easy to solve too.

Along with the U perms and H perm, the Z perm has slice moves in it. But there are other algs you can learn if you don’t like slice moves. Just click the blue button for more.

Z Perm

Make sure the top layer is orientated correctly. Move all of the corners to their right positions. This will leave the incorrect edges diagonal from the slot they are supposed to be in:

M’ U M2′ U M2′ U M’ U2 M2′

G Perm PLL Algorithms for Rubik’s Cube

Finally we have the G perms. This is the only set of algorithms that come in a set of four. The rest are all singular or come in pairs. The G perms are the hardest to learn. They are not easy to recognise and the algs can be long and confusing.

The G perms should be the last perms you learn, make sure you have the rest learned before moving onto these. They can be a struggle.

PLL Algorithms for Rubik's Cube, Ga perm, Learning to Cube, how to solve a rubik's cube, speed cubers website, guide to speed cubing, how to get better at rubik's cube

Ga Perm

For the correct positioning on the Ga perm, make sure the headlights are on the left of the cube and the solved edge piece and corner piece are on the front of the cube.

R2 U R’ U R’ U’ R U’ R2 U’ D R’ U R D’

Gb perm, Learning to Cube, how to solve a rubik's cube, speed cubers website, guide to speed cubing, how to get better at rubik's cube

Gb Perm

To solve GB perm, have the headlights on the left side of the cube, but have the only solved edge piece on the right. With the only solved corner on the top right.

(R’ U’ R U) D’ R2′ U R’ U R U’ R U’ R2′ D

Gc perm, Learning to Cube, how to solve a rubik's cube, speed cubers website, guide to speed cubing, how to get better at rubik's cube

Gc Perm

GC perm needs to have the headlights on the right side of the cube, with the only solved edge piece on the front face. The only solved corner should be in the bottom left.

R2 F2 R U2 R U2 R’ F R U R’ U’ R’ F R2

Gd perm, Learning to Cube, how to solve a rubik's cube, speed cubers website, guide to speed cubing, how to get better at rubik's cube

Gd Perm

For the Gd perm, the headlight should be on the left of the cube. The solved edge piece should be on the right, with the only solved corner sitting on the bottom right.

(R U R’ U’) D R2 U’ R U’ R’ U R’ U R2 D’

Learning PLL Algorithms for Rubik’s Cube

Learning the PLL algorithms for rubik’s cube will not be easy at first. There are 21 different algs and some are much more difficult to remember than others. Not only do you have to remember the algs, but you also have to be able to recognise when to use them.

The G perms look very similar, the N perms, A perms and J perms look the same but are different from each other. It can be tricky at first. But if you take things step by step, and learn one alg at a time you will learn all of these in time. Just make sure not rush it, be patient, and learn one a day if you can.

Each one of the algorithms here will have another page linked to them where you can see more algs for each case. Study each one in-depth. Find which one you’re going to learn today then take a closer look at it by visiting that specific page by pressing the blue button.

It may seem hard at first, but you can do this, and it will be worth it when you have it down! Learn one new alg everyday, and as you learn more and more, practise them all everyday too. Within a month, you will have them all in the memory banks! When you’re done, you can learn the OLL’s or F2L algs. Learning to cube never ends!