OLL Algorithms for Rubik’s Cube

OLL algorithms are used on the last layer of a Rubik’s cube. They will orientate all of the pieces so they all face the same direction. In most cases, it will be to make all of the yellow sides of the top layer face upwards. But it could be any colour depending on which side you’re solving last.

In this guide we are going to cover all of the OLL algorithms for Rubik’s cubes, all 51 of them! Now this may seem over whelming at first, but, if you take things step by step, you can learn every single algorithm for OLL. It will just take time.

It may take a month or two, but learning full OLL will improve your solve time massively! So if you want to get faster, its time to learn OLL. Lets get started!

For this guide we assume you are already well experienced with Rubik’s cube notation. If not, please refer to our guide: Rubiks cube Notation, What does it all Mean

Dot Shape OLLs

Dot shapes are when you just have the centre piece solved (which is always solved anyway). There are 7 different dot shapes you will find when you come across OLL. Here are the best algorithms to use for each dot case.

Just the Dot

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For the first case we will look at the dot, with one single bar solved. Move the solved bar to the left side of the cube and do the following algorithm:

F (R U R’ U’) F’ f (R U R’ U’) f’

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In case 2, we have the dot, but this time we have 2 solved bars. Rotate the top layer so these bars are on the left and right, and do this alg:

R U2′ (R2′ F R F’) U2′ (R’ F R F’)

Dot and One Corner

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If you have the dot and one corner, check the sides of the top layer. Find the side with only one yellow piece and move it to the left. If it looks like this, do this alg:

f (R U R’ U’) f’ U’ F (R U R’ U’) F’

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If you don’t have the case from above when the single yellow piece is on the left, rotate the top layer 90° clockwise to get this case, then do this alg:

f (R U R’ U’) f’ U F (R U R’ U’) F’

Dot and Two Corners

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Sometime you will have 2 corners with the dot in a triangle shape like this. If the sides do not have a bar, have the triangle pointing towards you and do this algorithm:

r’ R U R U R’ U’ M’ R’ F R F’

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If you have the dot with two corners in a triangle shape, and also have a solved bar, move the bar to the left of the cube and do the following alg:

R U2 R2 F R F’ R F’ U2 M’ U R U’ r’

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If you have the dot, but also have two corners in a diagonal line you will see this. Make sure the diagonal line is pointing from bottom right, to top left:

(R U R’ U) (R’ F R F’) U2 (R’ F R F’)

Line Shaped OLL’s

Line shapes are when the middle bar is solved. This means the centre piece and 2 pieces next to it. There are 4 different cases for line shapes, here are the OLL algorithms.

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For a straight line, with a single set of headlights, begin by putting the headlights on the right side of the cube. Then do this OLL algorithm:

F U (R U’ R’) U (R U’ R’) F’

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If you find a straight line with a bar, rotate the top layer so the bar is on the left hand side of the cube and the line is pointing vertically away from you. Then do this alg:

R’ F’ U’ F U’ R U R’ U R

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You may see a straight line, with 2 sets of headlights on the cube. Make sure the headlights are on the left and right hand side of the cube then do the following algorithm:

(r U R’) (U R U’ R’) (U R U’ R’ (r U’ r’)

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Sometimes you will have the straight line with 2 solved bars! If this is the case make sure you put the bars on the left and right of the cube before doing this algorithm:

R U2 R2 U’ R U’ R’ U2 F R F’

Cross Shape OLL Algorithms

Cross shapes are when you find the cross on the last layer is already solved. The cross may have other pieces solved with it. For an obvious reason, these are known as cross cases. If you have any of these, use the following OLL algorithms:

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A cross with no other yellow pieces on top will look like this. If it has headlights and side lights, rotate the headlights to the left side and do this alg:

R U2 R2′ U’ R2 U’ R2 U2 R

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If you have a cross with no other yellow pieces on top and you also have two sets of headlights, rotate the headlights to the left and right of the cube and do the following:

(R U R’) U (R U’ R’) U (R U2 R’)

Cross with One Corner

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Sometimes you will have the cross, with one corner piece. If you place it on the bottom right and see a yellow square on the front left, do this:

R U2 R’ U’ R U’ R’

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On the other hand, if you don’t see a yellow square on the left of the front face, put the yellow corner on the bottom left, so a yellow square will be on the right front face:

R U R’ U R U2 R’

Cross with Two Corners

If you have the cross with 2 corner pieces, check for headlights. If you have headlights move them to the front so they face you and do this alg:

R2 D (R’ U2 R) D’ (R’ U2 R’)

But if you instead have side light and don’t have headlights, move the side lights to the right so they are on the front and back of the cube, then do this:

r U R’ U’ r’ F R F’

Finally, if you have the cross, with two corners diagonal to each other. Rotate so a yellow square is on the front right of the cube and do this OLL algorithm:

F’ r U R’ U’ r’ F R

OLL Algorithms for 4 Corners

The 4 corners algs are used when the 4 corners are all oriented correctly. These may also have some of the edge pieces too but they will have the four corners solved. There are three different cases for the 4 corners OLL algorithms:

If the top layer looks like a H, all top pieces are oriented correctly except two edge pieces. Make sure these edge pieces are on the front and back of the cube and do this alg:

(R U R’ U’) M’ U R U’ r’

Sometimes all of the corners will be facing upwards, but none of the sides so the top layer will look like this. In this case, perform this OLL algorithm:

M U R U R’ U’ M2 U R U’ r’

You may also find all four corners are facing up, with 2 edge pieces next to each other rather than opposite. If this is the case, do this algorithm to fix it:

r U R’ U’ M U R U’ R’

OLL Algs for Square Shape

Sometimes you will find a square shape in the top layer. This is when you have two edge pieces, and one corner piece facing upwards together. But the rest of the pieces need to be solved. There are two cases where you will find squares in the OLL algorithms.

Rotate the square so it is in the top right of the top face. If you see that there are no yellow squares on the back side of the cube, do this algorithm:

r U2 R’ U’ R U’ r’

If you do see yellow pieces on the back of the cube in the former case, rotate the top layer 90° clock wise. The square should now be in the bottom right:

r U2 R U R’ U r

Knight Move OLL Algorithms

Knight moves are L shaped and refer to the way knights move on a chess board. If you do not know how to play chess, it essentially an L shape. But because we already have a section on L shaped OLL algorithms, we will call these ones knight moves. There are 4 knight move cases.

In the first case you will have the L shape but it is rotated 90° anticlockwise. In this position you should see two yellow side pieces on the front left of the cube:

(r U r’) (R U R’ U’) (r U’ r)

For the second case, the L shape is rotated 90° clockwise. You should find 2 yellow pieces touching on the front, and the back of the cube:

(r U’ r’) (U’ r U r’) (F’ U F)

In some cases the L shape will be inverted, this is another reason why we call it knight moves. It is more like a lower case r, but rotated 90° clockwise. Do this alg:

(r’ U’ r) (R’ U’ R U) (r’ U r’)

Finally, in case four, we again have an inverted L shape, this time there will be 2 yellow side pieces touching, on the front and back of the cube:

(R’ F R U) (R’ F’ R) (F U’ F’)

Fish Shaped OLL Algorithms

Some cases will have unusual shapes. In these cases they resemble fish. There is a body with a small tail, so to make it easy to remember these few cases they are called fish shape OLLs. There are four of these cases and they are easily recognisable.

For the first case we have a small fish body with a big tail. The head of the fish should be pointing to the top right. This should leave 2 yellow pieces on the back of the cube.

(R U R’) U (R’ F R F’) R U2 R’

If pointing the fish head to the top right does not show 2 yellow pieces on the front side, you should rotate the top layer 90° clockwise and the do this alg:

(R U R’ U’) R’ F R2 (U R’ U’) F’

If you see a square, but this time it has a tail, check the sides. If you have 2 sides with no yellow, rotate the square so it is in the top left of the cube, then do this:

F R U’ R’ U’ R U R’ F’

In a case where you have a square and a tail to make a fish on the top layer, and each side shows one yellow piece, rotate the top layer so the square is in the bottom right:

R U2 R2 F R F’ R U2 R’

Lightning Bolt OLL shapes

Lightning bolt shapes will resemble a lighting strike. Or if you’re familiar to the game, they will resemble a Tetris piece. There are four different cases you will find with lightning pieces. Check their orientation and the sides to decide which OLL algorithms to do.

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There are two cases that will show a side with no yellow pieces. If you see the top orientated like this, move the bar with no yellow to the left of the cube:

r U R’ U R U2 r’

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If you move the side with no yellow to the left, and the lightning strike is orientated like this picture, do the following OLL algorithm:

r’ U’ R U’ R’ U2 r

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In some cases all of the sides will have a yellow pieces on them. In that case move the side with 2 yellow pieces to the front of the cube, and do this:

r R2 U’ R U’ R’ U2 R U’ R r’

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You may find when you move the 2 yellow pieces to the front that the lightning strike is not orientated properly. In that case rotate the top layer 180° and do this alg:

r’ R2 U R’ U R U2 R’ U M’

C Shaped OLL’s

Next up we have a series of letters for OLL algorithms. The top layer will be in the shape of certain letter so they are easy to identify. We will start off with the C shape OLL’s. These are very easy to identify and very easy to solve too. There are only 2 C OLL algorithms to learn:

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Check the sides to see how many yellow pieces are on each. If you find one yellow on each side of the cube, have the c pointing towards you and do this:

R U R2 U’ R’ F R U R U’ F’

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If you find a C shape, plus on one side you find a yellow bar, move the bar to the right side of the cube, with the C pointing left and do this algorithm:

R’ U’ (R’ F R F’) U R

L Shaped OLL algorithms

Next up we have the L Shapes. This is not like the Knight shape OLLS, those were longer L’s. In these cases the L is short. You will find the centre piece, and you will also see 2 edges turned up. These edges will be next to each other, not opposite. There are 6 cases for you to learn here.

L Shape with Bar and Headlights

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If you find this case, move the bar to the left of the cube with headlights on the right. Then make sure the side with the single yellow is facing you. Do this alg:

r U R’ U R U’ R’ U R U2 r’

You may find with the case above that the L shape isn’t orientated correctly when the bar is on the left. Instead you will find this case. So instead do this alg:

r’ U’ R U’ R’ U R U’ R’ U2 r

L Shape with Just a Bar

If you see the L shape with the yellow bar on the side, but there are no headlights, move the bar to the left of the cube and do this algorithm:

r U’ r2 U r2 U r2 U’ r

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In the case where you have an L shape, with the bar on the left but it doesn’t match the case above, do this OLL algorithm instead:

r’ U r2 U’ r2 U’ r2 U r

L Shape with Just Headlights

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Sometimes you will have the L shape OLL, but there will be no bar. Instead you will find headlights. In this case move the headlights to the back and do this alg:

F (R U R’ U’) (R U R’ U’) F’

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Finally, if you move the headlights to the back, but the L shape isn’t orientated correctly, rotate the top layer 90° clockwise to get to this case and do this alg:

F’ L’ U’ L U L’ U’ L U F

P Shape OLLs

The P shape OLL algorithms don’t always resemble a P. They can also look like a lower case B, and D, but for simplicities sake, they are often referred to as P shapes. There are four of them to learn, and they are all easy to identify. They will all have 2 pieces orientated correctly in the middle row, and one side of the top layer fully solved too.

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Look for a bar with this P shape OLL. The shape on top will look like a lower case B, but you will also see a yellow bar on the side. Move the bar to the front and do this alg:

(R’ U’ F’) (U F R)

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If the shape on the top layer looks like lower case D, but you also have a bar, move the bar to the right side of the cube and do this algorithm:

(F U R) (U’ R’ F’)

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You may find the lower case B shape, but you may not see a bar with it. In this case look for the side with 2 yellows on it and move that to the front. Then do this:

R’ U’ F U R U’ R’ F’ R

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In case you find a shape that looks like a lower case D, but you do not have a bar with it, move the side with 2 yellow pieces to the back of the cube and do this algorithm:

S (R U R’ U’) (R’ F R f’)

T Shaped OLL’s

There are only 2 t shape oll aglorthims, both are easy to identify and easy to solve. They will look like a captial T on the top layer. The algorthim you use to sovle them will depend on what the sides look like.

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If the letter T has 2 sides that have no yellow, and two sides that have 2 yellow pieces together, rotate the top layer so the blank sides are on the left and right, then do this:

(R U R’ U’) (R’ F R F’)

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You may see the Letter T on top, and it will have headlights at the bottom of the T. Rotate the top layer so the headlights are facing to the left of the cube and this OLL algorithm:

F (R U R’ U’) F’

W Shape OLL Algorithms

Another self explanatory set of cases, the W shape OLLs. This is where the top layer will look like the letter W. There are only 2 cases of this. They are a mirror image of each other.

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Find the side of the top layer that has no yellow pieces on it, then move it to the left of the cube. If the W shape is orientated like this, do this algorithm:

R U R’ U R U’ R’ U’ R’ F R F’

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If the W isn’t in the right position, rotate the top layer 180° so the side with no yellow is now in the right of the cube. Then do this algorithm:

L’ U’ L U’ L’U L U L F’ L’ F

Z Shaped OLL Algorithms

In the last set for the letters of the OLL algorithms we have the Z shaped OLLs. These are when you have the solved bar in the middle, with two corner pieces diagonal from each other. There are just two of these algs and they are just a mirror image of each other.

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Look around the cube to find the side with no yellow pieces on it. Move that side to the right. If the Z shape is orientated like this, do this alg:

R’ F (R U R’ U’) F’ U R

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If you find the z shape is not orientated like the pic above, rotate the top layer 180° so the side with no yellows is on the left instead. Then do this algorithm:

L F’ (L’ U’ L U) F U’ L’

Awkward Shape OLL Algorithms

For the last set, we have the awkward shapes. These are all like lightning strike, but the top face has an extra corner with it. They are hard to fit into any of the other section so they are often put in there own awkward section. Though many of the shapes we have covered in this guide can seem awkward, these ones are officially called the awkward shapes.

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If you find a lighting strike shape with an extra corner piece, check for headlights. Move the headlights to the back of the cube and if it looks like this, do this agl:

(R U R’) U R U2 R’ F (R U R’) U’ F’

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You may find the headlights and move it to the back, but the orientation is not correct. In this case, rotate the top layer 180° so the headlights are on the front:

(R’ U’ R) U’ R’ U2 R F (R U R’) U’ F’

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If you find the lightning strike and extra corner with no head lights, you may have this case. Move the side with no yellow to the front, and do this alg:

r’ D’ r U’ r’ D r2 U’ r’ U r U r’

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In this case you move the side with no yellow pieces to the front but the lightning strike isn’t orientated correctly, just turn it 90° clockwise to get this case. Then do this alg:

(R U R’ U’) R U’ R’ F’ U’ F R U R’

Summery of the OLL Algorithms

There is a lot to learn here, and you’re never going to learn it all in one day. Learning to cube takes time, dedication and patience before you learn them all. I recommend learning one or two a day from the same set. When you have a full set down, move onto another one.

It will be tough at first, but so is tying your shoe laces. But after time you can do you shoe laces without even thinking about it and the same will happen with algorithms on Rubik’s cube to. Just keep practising and you will learn them all! It just takes time!

If you need any help, please feel free to find us on Discord, Reddit, Twitter YouTube or any other social network! It would be great to see you there!

Thanks for reading and always, happy cubing!